About us


My name is Amora, the creator of Body Sattva.

Here, we passionately believe in the power of touch and the body’s ability to heal through alternative and naturalistic means!

At our Temple, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive approach to the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our clients.

Discover inner peace and balance through our personalized holistic massages and ancient techniques.

“We will help you release accumulated tensions caused by emotional stress or poor habits and postures.”

Our Team:

We are a team of two highly skilled and dedicated women committed to health and well-being. We are passionate about the art of holistic massage and strive to offer a rejuvenating and restoring experience to everyone who visits our center.

We collaborate with other women who provide additional services beyond our capabilities, ensuring the best possible outcome in each case.

We are committed to guiding you towards a state of complete well-being, where your body, mind, and spirit find harmony.

Allow us to be your guides on this journey of healing and relaxation.

We welcome you with open arms to provide a unique and transformative experience.

Come and discover the magic of our massages.

All our services are backed by accredited certifications.

We sincerely appreciate your interest and trust.


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Accrediting Titles

Osteopatia holística : Natura class 

Quiromasaje : Escuela Chaman 

Especialista en medicina Ayurvédica: Naturalístico

Monitora de pilates : Deusto Salud 

Fitoterapia: Deusto Salud

Manipulaciones Osteopáticas : Chamán

Maderoterapia corporal y facial :Shiva center

Vendaje neuromuscular: chamán

Vendaje Neuromuscular 2 : Hara Center

Drenaje linfático: Vital body 

Masaje con cañas de bambú : Chaman

Masaje con piedras calientes : Chaman 

Masaje con ventosas: Chaman 

Bioenergética: Delena Formación

Método Cadenas Miofasciales: Kinesica formación


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Body Sattva Fuengirola

Paseo marítimo no 04, Parque doña Sofía
Bloque 4

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Appointments and questions

+34 641 10 48 28

+34 643 71 78 23

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